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Enjoy Hard or Soft

At MUD, we understand that everyone’s taste is unique, with, or without alcohol. That’s why we offer a menu that caters to a wide range of palates, ensuring there’s something for all. Our drinks not only speed up service at the bar but also significantly reduce waste.

Who said anything about a cup?

No need for disposable cups. We recommend using a paper straw which also doubles up as a stirrer. Did you know there is approximately 95% less paper in a straw than a pint cup?

Inspired Flavours, Wallet-Friendly

Our drinks are inspired by popular cocktails but come in a simplified, budget-friendly form. Enjoy all the fantastic flavours cocktails provide without the hefty price tag. Perfect for anyone looking to enjoy high-quality drinks without breaking the bank.

Consumer Choice and Convenience

MUD's approach puts consumer choice and convenience at the forefront. Our drinks are designed to offer a premium experience that’s both easy and enjoyable. Whether you’re at a bar, a party, or relaxing at home, MUD makes it easy to enjoy great drinks anytime, anywhere.

MUD cans aren’t just for festivals—they’re perfect for a variety of occasions:

  • Festivals and Outdoor Events: Ideal for large crowds and settings where glass isn’t allowed. Easy to carry, quick to serve, and versatile in flavours.
  • Retail Shops: Great for enjoying at home or on a picnic. Convenient, tasty, and ready to drink.

Perfect for Various Occasions

  • Student Bars: Quick service and easy mixing make MUD cans a favourite among students looking for hassle-free drinks.
  • Sporting Events: Perfect for large crowds with quick service needs. No glass, no fuss.

Great for All Events

  • Beach Outings and Picnics: Lightweight and easy to carry, MUD cans are the perfect companion for a day out.
  • Home Parties: Impress your guests with a variety of flavours without needing a fully stocked bar.

Speedy Sips, No Fuss

Bar owners, rejoice! Our cans are designed for swift service and hassle-free mixing. Simply add a mixer to the can, and you’re ready to serve a delicious drink. No need for complex bartending skills. Our method is 20% faster than the traditional method using a cup, ensuring your customers are served quickly and efficiently.

Simplified Stock Management

MUD cans allow you to offer a diverse menu without the need for extensive stock. Each can is a cocktail waiting to happen, reducing the need for multiple ingredients and complex setups.

Eco-Friendly Options

With our eco-friendly design, you can promote sustainability in your venue. Our cans and paper straws use significantly less material than traditional options, helping you reduce your environmental footprint.

Cost-Effective and Space-Saving

Reduce waste and save space with MUD cans. No need for multiple bottles and mixers. Our cans are compact, easy to store, and perfect for venues of all sizes.

The Beginning

It all started at a wet and rainy festival. As I stood in a long queue, waiting for a drink, I couldn’t help but feel disappointed by the limited range on offer.

The Inspiration

The weather was miserable, and so was the selection of drinks. That’s when the idea for MUD was born.

The Concept

I went away and looked at the drinking experience from both a consumer and trade point of view. I wanted to create a product that catered to all taste buds (and we will, as our range expands) while making service at the bar easier for tenders.

The Solution

Thus, MUD cans were designed to offer an extensive menu without the need to hold a large range of stock.

FAQ - Page 1

Q: Don't I get less liquid in the can?

A: All our cans are sold and labeled as 280ml. However, the cans are actually 330ml, allowing you to add up to 50ml of your favourite spirit or mixer. For reference; a single measure of 40% abv alcohol will provide a final abv of 3.3%, a double measure of the same alcohol will provide a final abv of 6.1%.

Q: Are MUD cans eco-friendly?

A: Yes, MUD cans are designed with sustainability in mind. Aluminium cans are 100% recyclable, paper straws are suggested to be used as a stirrer.

Q: How should I store MUD drinks?

A: Store MUD cans in a cool, dry place. They are best served chilled to enjoy the full flavour.

FAQ - Page 2

Q: Can I mix MUD drinks with other beverages?

A: Absolutely! Our drinks are perfect mixers for a variety of spirits and cocktails, allowing you to create your favourite drinks with ease.

Q: Are MUD drinks vegan-friendly?

A: Yes, all our drinks are vegan-friendly. We are committed to providing options that suit various dietary preferences.

Q: What flavours are available?

A: We currently offer a trio of flavours: Cranberry Lime, Ginger Lime, and Grapefruit Lime. Each flavour is designed to be enjoyed on its own or mixed with your favourite spirits.

FAQ - Page 3

Q: Why should I choose MUD over other ready-to-drink options?

A: MUD cans are versatile, allowing you to add your own spirit or mixer. Not only is this often better value, the idea is to cater for all occasions and differing drink preferences. Why does an RTD need to be restricted to one singular option? Wether you decide you want a single, double or no alcohol; you can choose a different spirit or mixer each time for a uniquely tasty drink.

Q: Where can I buy MUD drinks?

A: MUD drinks will be available at select retailers, online, and at various events and festivals very soon. Keep your eyes peeled on on our Instagram for updates.

Q: How do I prevent spilling when adding straight in to the can?

A: While miniatures are easily added, we recommend a speed pour when using a larger bottle; otherwise a steady hand is needed! If you are a bar owner, simply put the can up to an optic.

FAQ - Page 4

Q: Do MUD drinks contain any artificial flavours or colours?

A: No, we pride ourselves on using only natural ingredients in our drinks. There are no artificial flavours or colours in MUD cans.

Q: How long do MUD drinks last?

A: MUD drinks have a shelf life of up to 12 months. Check the expiry date on the can for more details.

Q: Can I customise my own MUD flavour?

A: We currently offer three popular flavours. Stay tuned for more options and potential customisation opportunities in the future. Feel free to drop us a message on Instagram with your feedback!